*Your Name*
How can you do all that you do by your simple presence?
Hearing your name is enough for me to go on a tangent. But, hearing your voice upon waking up seemed like the best event that I might wake up to. How can you affect me in such a way just from afar? Is it fair to come into my life featuring all that I adore in a man?
It is not. You cause chaos in my mind, tremble my body, revive the dead in the shrine of my stomach. You do all of this from far away. The closer I get, the more I lose it, so I stay away because this is enough. I know how bad the fall would be if I ever fell.
I utter your name unconsciously and randomly. I did even before I knew you. So, tell me is all of this fair?
I wonder but a little about how the view is from your side. How is it? I am sure I didn't have half the effect you had, but what's the picture you've drawn about me in your thoughts?
I woke up the moment you were walking up the stairs. I didn't move. My eyes went wide open. I calmed myself and tried to confirm your presence by hearing your voice and not merely from what I was feeling. It was you. You said my name so calmly, so naturally. How could you?
I never say yours because my voice will dictate the reality of my feelings regardless of how much self-control I order. When I have to say your name, I stop breathing for a second. I clunch whatever muscle I still can control in my body. Be it my fist, my stomach, my legs or my jaw. I say it in what seems to be a quick pace to me. One that is, in fact, slow. Once done, I don't think about it; I move on to busy myself. So, how could you say it that calmly when my composure while dealing with you is ever so brittle?
It is not fair sir. I swear it is not.
