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Photo du rédacteur: PeaceangelPeaceangel

The self-soothing gestures are a bad sign.

Hug me once you see them.

As I move to hug the bones ratling beneath my skin, hold me tight.

Say nothing.

Whatever you do, say nothing, nothing at all.

Squeeze my ribs.

Let my rhythm of breathing synchronise itself with yours.

Let me calm down as I focus on nothing but the embrace.

Let my body tell you of all the pain it hid, all the misery, everything.

Allow it to fall between your arms, defenceless.

I want to think of nothing, just the void.

Distract me with gentle strokes. They would reassure the wild fears that have grown inside.

Hold me like a little child, the way that would convince me that I indeed matter.

At this very moment, I do not want to exist. So, pat on my back saying: "we need you here. As you are, we need you here."

Make sure not to deliver a dozen requirements for me to matter.

Pat gently and tell me thus I am wanted, as broken as I am.

Let's rock back and forth while we hug and provide an exit for my anger, my anguish.

It needs to leave.

It blinds me too much, and I am afraid of what might happen if it takes control.

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