Old Drawers
The wooden drawers sit quietly in the houses' forgotten rooms.
They hold pieces of the past we cannot throw away yet.
They bear our unintentional glances during busy days as well as
Ignorance when we stand long enough to stare at them only to walk away.
But, It happens that we open them.
For one reason or another, we sometimes do.
Be it loneliness, Optimistic Curiosity or emptiness.
How weird !
As you try to store another memory, you look at the rest and realise that time travelling is as exhausting as a ride on a rollercoaster.
At some peeks, it would seem thrilling, bright and fun.
So, you flip the pages. You read the papers laughing wholeheartedly.
At some lows, it would only be useless, unnecessary and sad.
Why, what, when and how. You ask yourself an assortment of questions.
It would be a ride that's longer then what you expected, one you can barely stop.
What have I lost since then? You ask yourself. What have I won?
If deemed a loser, you'll linger thinking about all that had happened.
If deemed a winner, You'll close the drawers because it does not matter anymore.
