It's 2 a.m.
Inspiration has been knocking at my door at weird times.
Dear precious visitor, at 2 am there is not much for me to do.
I once decided to keep a paper and a pen at my nightstand.
They say:" at night that's when the brain creates the best of thoughts".
We both know Like many other decisions on that I soon gave up.
Beautiful feelings, positive energy, it's 3 am.
Logic is telling me I should go to sleep, a brilliant mind with An unfunctional body is as useless as a boring one.
But, I am afraid to close my eyes.
I am afraid of opening them the next day, to notice that you left, to feel that huge rock on my heart again, to regret not convincing you to stay with swollen eyes but still, to wake up and merely remember you as a childhood souvenir that's so far gone to feel now.
When I can't bear it, I smile at you and decide not to close my eyes till I can't do anything but that.
It isn't the best plan. In fact, I find it as silly as every other temporary plan B.
But, today I was productive again.
I guess I don't want to admire the thoughts of what would seem someone else's brain anymore.
