Her and I
I live in her; she lives in me.
She is myself; I am her.
We are all tangled up.
I left her where I saw divers and submarines.
I am about to fall from the shore, But I want to get her up, to pull her into the surface.
I yelled.
She couldn't hear the call.
I want to reach her, to get her back.
Each time I get lost before I get the chance to do that.
Why has it to be so complicated?
She is in me; I am in her.
Isn't it supposed to be easy?
I believe, now, that it is worth fighting. I will not stop the battle.
In fact, I'll be her. She'll be me but as one.
I'll build a bridge, a one-way bridge.
I'll destroy the walls I've been creating these last years, lost years.
You'll see the light again. I won't take no for an answer.
Don't worry. I wasn't hanging around only. I got your Medoc.
No, it wasn't the darkness.
It wasn't the coldness.
It wasn't feeling insane.
It wasn't even loneliness.
It was the "why" I couldn't respond to.
What's the point of it?
What is it for?
Explain, go ahead.
Can't you make it more plane?
At least answer.
Can you bear the war to be that other opposite?
Don't you find that you've been waiting for too long?
Way too long!
